PODCAST: Slate / New America - Caregiving in the 2020 Campaign

Abby McCloskey, Crisis Lab Communications, October 2, 2020

Political pundits have long insisted that care issues like childcare, elder care and paid and unpaid caregiving are not “bread and butter” economic issues that move voters or swing elections. Will that change in this unprecedented time of COVID-19? Are voters beginning to see that care work is no longer just “women’s work,” but central to a functioning economy? And what difference could that make on Nov. 3?

To take on this topic, Better Life Lab's Brigid Schulte is joined by:

  • Roselyn Miller, Policy Analyst, Better Life Lab

  • Amanda Brown Lierman, Managing Director, Supermajority

  • Abby McCloskey, Founder, McCloskey Policy LLC

To hear more of this episode including stories and questions from callers, click here. You can also find this episode wherever you listen to your podcasts. The video and transcript of the conversation are down below.
